The runt of the litter but what she lacks in size she makes up for in heart. The first to head off after anything that blows into the paddock and is happiest when she's carrying a stick being chased by her brothers and sisters, she won't give it up easily though. My mother chose her racename because it sounded good. A black bitch with a little white on her chest and 2 white back feet.
We called her Cheyenne but shortened it to Chey because she was a bit gentler with humans than her litter mates, now that she's home we might have to rethink the name as her personality is definately coming to the fore.
Picture taken at 7 months
Trainers: J Dignall (Shawfield) & Darren Hampson (Bellevue)
We called her Cheyenne but shortened it to Chey because she was a bit gentler with humans than her litter mates, now that she's home we might have to rethink the name as her personality is definately coming to the fore.
Picture taken at 7 months
Trainers: J Dignall (Shawfield) & Darren Hampson (Bellevue)